Would you like to increase your sales by marketing to a large,
targeted group of Satellite Television and Radio enthusiasts?



Over 18000 registered and confirmed users

A Daily average of more than 1100 unique member visits

A Daily average of more than 4000 page views

Over 3Million Hits per month!
(stats updated 3/29/2008)

Our users are sophisticated satellite hobbiest and enthusiasts.
We will only accept advertising from those who sell or service the home satellite industry. Accessories, receivers, dishes, home-theater, etc. Also, our users are generally non-responsive to DBS (Dishnet, DirecTV) systems. We will NOT accept any advertising from companies that sell or support products to assist with satellite signal theft.

We feel that if we present only relevent, targeted advertising to our memberbase it will have the greatest positive impact for our advertisers.

Our rates are based on selling no more than 10, 10% blocks in the header of all forums. This header refreshes every 120 seconds and whenever users switch forums. Random placement in the login screen is also utilized, since this is a 1 shot per login location we consider it of no actual value and generally use it for self-promotion.

Advertisers can buy blocks on a monthly, quarterly or annual basis.

SatForums Advertising Ratesheet:
Effective March 1st, 2008

First/Single Block (10% of ads shown) $35 USD $95 USD $350 USD
Additional Block (20+% of ads shown) $25 USD $60 USD $195 USD
  Normal Animated 5 Animated
Banner Creation $40 USD $60 USD $240 USD
Forum hosting discounts available to Advertisers as well.      

Example, if you want your ad to be displayed 30% of the time, you would have to purchase
3 blocks, your first block at $30/month and 2 blocks at $20/ea for a total of $70/month.


If you would like more information, or would like to start an advertising campaign
please contact Chris Trainor (ctrainor@macross.com).


Our ratesheet is subject to change, as are the block percentages.
All contracts prior to any change will remain in effect until contract expiration.